Thursday, December 18, 2008

Schools for the Little one

It is time to think of daycares for the little one. A year and more has passed and its time to start thinking of a good, safe playgroup for my toddler...

I am hoping people who read this blog can give me ideas of the daycares/creches/playgroups that they have had good experiences with in Lagos. As well as advise on what to think about when looking for a school.... 

Is it montisorrie or the old tried and tested?

Is it good to have all day or half day school?

Everyday or some days a week to start off if this is the first time going to school?

What ratio of children to teacher should I be thinking about?

Oh as for location the preference is in the Lekki area

Any advise is welcome!!

Friday, May 02, 2008

Unforgivable absencse....

It is May!! How?

At first I just couldnt find the time to update my blog, with managing being a new mom, back to work and dealing with the horrendeous traffic...that was my excuse for the first month or two after getting back to work in January....then we had bad internet connection at home....then it became "wow I havent updated in soo long, i dont even know where to begin"...then....

Anyway and that has brought me to May 1st (well now 2nd)...And being a working mom has become such a part of my life I cant remember how overwhelmed, anxiuos (and yes slightly guilty) I used to feel just a couple of months ago.

This post is a thankful note to technology and how it makes being a mom more manageabale for me

1) Phones - I can call and check up on baby as often as I want during the day and monitor every poop, every meal, emotions etc. Up GSM (well when they work - as a result have gotten landlines as well to bridge the bad network effect) -

cant imagine what it was like in our mothers time when they couldn't call home to check up on the baby --it was a real see you till i get home time!

2) Breastpump - Oh being able to pump and keep my baby as an exclusive breastfed baby for the first 6 months of her life despite coming back to work. Invaluable. Up Maedela! Ice packs! and coolers!

3) WWW - There is nothing and I mean nothing that i have a question about relating to taking care of the baby i have not been able to find with a "google". Its really amazing o what you can find about baby care from feeding questions, to drugs that are not safe for mum to take while breastfeeding (i found this was important when I was given prescription for myself, I asked the paharmacist is this safe considering I am breastfeeding...she answered "ehhen I think so" I was like excuse think so??? my baby is at stake here. Anyway saved my valuable energy -jumped on google...and voila the answer was there!). Up Google and!

4) Laptop and the term "Flexible Hours"- woohoo the joys of being able to work from home on some days when I just could not face traffic, or was in a lack of sleep induced coma :) Interestingly though I found the idea of flexible hours still frowned on a bit as a working mom here in Nigeria...Up HP and whoever started the idea of flexible hours

5) Digital Cameras (and Phone cameras) - being able to take up to date/frequent pictures of the lil darl and staring at it at work when I need a "babyfix". As a result also able to keep all the various aunties and uncles in all the various parts of the world updated on her development. Up Canon/Snapfish etc

Am sure there are others I cant think about right now....

Will desperately try to keep this blog updated more frequently (wink wink)