Thursday, May 17, 2007

Random thots

I really want to start working out because I dont want to get too big and then have trobule getting back to my pre-pregnancy size post delivery. But at the same time since I have not been the most physically active person before the baby I am not sure it is safe.

Or am i being too "vain" and should just wait to see what happens after I have him/her and then face getting the weight off. I guess I'll ask my doctor and see what DR. advices.

I would to love to start shopping for the baby, it is when it comes to shopping that I realize how easy it must be living abroad. I could at least then just run into ANY mall and be able to get things at affordable prices. Here in Lagos everything is like *5 the prices you would get them abroad - specifically the US. I mean do they have to price it up by that much to make a profit? Some of these prices are just pure robbery!

Does anyone know good sources for baby things here in Lagos that wont break my back account? Would be nice to start the registering for things online here in Lagos so people can buy you excatly what you need.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

just saw your blog by chance.l provide the service where you can choose what you want for your baby and l will have it delivered to you.lf you are interested email me at