Friday, November 02, 2007


Wow I didnt realise how long it has been since i updated my blog.
Its been months since i last posted about starting my maternity leave. I have had my darling daughter and she is the most adorable lil girl :)
I am totally loving motherhood and everything has come much more naturally than i thought it would. All the things i was unsure if i would know how to do this or that has just come like second nature and i seem to just "get" it.



Nijawife said...

Congrats and welcome back to blogvile,i miss you.Glad to know everything went well,motherhood in the greatest thing that can happen to a woman,dont worry,you will get round everything without been told,its an instinctive thing.Hope my last son can marry your beautiful daughter!

Anigerianwoman said...

Thanks. We can set up for the lil ones to meet so he can start toasting her:)

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