Friday, September 24, 2010


I am struggling with how to discipline my toddler...I fall somewhere between the No Spanking mentality and the every kid needs a good spank to know how to behave. Until recently a good frown and a threat of going to the corner would work in curbing my toddler from misbehaving but recently she just looks at me with a side eye and keeps on doing what she was doing.

I also find she is walking all over the nanny and even though i don't want to empower the nanny to feel she can discipline my child I need her to see her as some sort of authority figure and listen to her instructions.

At the same time I can tell and I feel I need to do something quick because she is getting smarter and smarter and is just testing my limits as often as she feels like.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010


So I recently hired a nanny who at the time she was being hired didn't understand english, the interview had to be conducted in our local language. My hubby had a problem with this because we have toddlers and he didn't want them around someone who didn't speak English. However we discussed this a bit further and the other things outweighed this concern..she had a good attitude, she seemed to be a hardworker, willing to learn and came from a somewhat trusted source plus it wouldnt have hurt for our kids to pick up the language.

She has been with us now for a month and in the beginning I did wonder whether it was the best decision...All communication had to be in the language. My daughter got frustrated when she was trying to communicate with her and she didnt understand what she was saying (in English). Luckily we have another nanny who can speak both English and the local dialect such that she could bridge the gap as necessary. On the plus side we did notice that our toddler was picking up some local language.

Imagine my surprise then today when I overheard a discussion between the non-english speaking nanny with my toddler and she - the nanny said a whole sentence in English to my daughter! I couldn't hide my surprise and amazement. I commented on it and she responded with such a pleased smile and said that she has been learning from my 3 year old!!

Amazing how this very young relationship is one of the most basic ones and both parties are able to learn from each other? A 3 year old and a 25 year old mother who is working as a nanny. It just made me appreciate how no one has monopoly on Knowledge and people must always be open minded!

Friday, September 03, 2010

September Cntd...

The End of Evil Is Never Good - So in continuation of my story of David and Saul. At the end of it all after all that hatred and envy...Saul ended up killing himself by purposely falling onto his sword. He didn't want to wait for anyone to kill him and so he did it himself when he knew his death was impending...He was paraded and finally burnt to ashes. His children were also killed..I am sure he wonders why he let all that envy eat him up. He lost his life, his kingdom and his sons at the end of the day. Might seem gory but the bottom line is Evil Never Ends Well....

While Good ol' David continued to prosper and go from Strength to Strength! Amen

Wednesday, September 01, 2010


I opened my bible randomly to a page and started reading the story of David..We all know about how he was able to kill the Giant with just a stone....But at least I don't remember reading the story and paying attention to the other underlying messages.......

1) The Chosen one - he didn't look like he fit the part, he was small and young yet he was the one that God had anointed as the chose one. Even his father didn't think it was possible he was the "chosen one".

2) Obedience - His father obeyed the order to have him go to the king to play the harp whenever the king (Saul) had demons disturbing him. He went to the King and did his job well.

3) Courage and Curiosity - He went out and asked questions to understand what was going on when people were gathered around in Saul's land. That was where he learnt about the taunt of Goliath - asking if anyone could kill him they would rule over his people. He also learnt about what the King was offering which was freedom from taxes for the family of the person who could slay Goliath. With Courage he asked to be allowed to go after the giant - he boldly mentioned how his "simple" job of taking care of the sheep in the wilderness prepared him for this fight as he had in the past protected his herd and himself from bears and lions.

4) Being True to Himself - The kind offered David his amour to wear to protect him against the giant. However he didn't feel comfortable wearing the borrowed outfit and felt it was weighing him down. So David took it off and only went to face the giant with his stones and he successfully killed Goliath with one stone.

5) Life can be Unfair - After successfully killing the giant and saving the land, Saul ended up being jealous of him because some belly dancers dared hail David more than the King (he obviously forgot that this small boy was the one who killed the giant and saved them all). Being human and of short memory he had it in for David and was now determined to kill him. David as a result had to be on the run.

6) Forgiveness and Humility - David was able to flee because the King's son who had a soft spot for David told him about the King's plan to kill him. David as a result and of course with God's protection was saved from the Kings men who kept trying to kill him. This must surely have inconvenienced Davids life. He found an opportunity where Saul was delivered into his hands and he could have killed him without a second thought! What did he do instead? He cut off a piece of Saul's robe, bowed down in front of him still regarding him as his King and master and boldly told him how he could have killed him but he didn't, he showed him the piece of cloth he cut off his robe as evidence that he could indeed have harmed him but he chose not to, asked him how he could have decided to harm him David after all he had done. The King at the end of the day was remorseful and Thanked him and vowed not to kill him any longer.

This is purely my own interpretation......but real powerful learnings for everyday living

Saturday, August 28, 2010


How does one pledge to keep dating after having been married for almost a decade. couple of kids, demanding jobs, traffic and frankly not too many entertainment options in this Lagos??

It is hard o! My husband and I recently decided to try and have some type of date every week to try and keep things interesting. Apart from watching movies or spending loads of money eating out there isn't much to do for fun. Imagine if there was a Nigerian version of where you could actually find out about concerts and plays?

Most of my other married friends with kids just smile and nod and say you don't have problems when I tell them about my husbands' and I's challenges finding fun things to do on our weekly dates.

So what happens that we stop dating? Is it just too much effort? costs too much money?we cant be bothered? Shebi it was dating that got you to know each other in the first place to want to get married? To be honest for some of us our kids are free comedy :)

After watching soo many movies and eating way too much sugar popcorn its time to find something else to do for fun.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Time For Everything

Where does the time go....

Two kids later and I want to find every parent I ever judged their parenting skills/method and apologize to them for ever trying to imagine I could do the parenting thing much better.

You know what I mean..You know those kids you see throwing tantrums in the stores and you cut your eyes sideways at the parents and think to yourself...They need to be firmer with thier kids! or my kids would never try that with me??

Or you know that mother you know who never seems to have time for herself and you think gosh when I become a mother I will make sure I balance it better and be sure to have me time to take care of myself..Please which mother thinks there is enough time for having your hair neat, manicure and pedicure always fresh? Makeup always flawless......

Bottom line is that parenting is one of the most all encompassing roles you could ever have. So I constantly compare notes with my friends in the Western World who don't have access to domestic help and though yes they are more frazzled, parenting in Lagos isn't a walk in the park either. Domestic staff though easily accessible here are SERIOUSLY lacking in quality..Very few people here with multiple nannies can truly be comfortable with the staff they have at home taking care of their kids. Multiple stories abound with nanny's who do things from petty crimes to the more heavy duty crimes (God forbid we encounter these)

I think I am just getting to the point where I am able to carve out time for all the things I want to try and be - Mother, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Friend, Employer, Employee, House Manager..... while trying to look stylish in Lagos that is a discussion for another day!