Monday, June 25, 2007

Update on an early post

I was responding to an earlier comment on my very first post on this blog and thought I would just make it its own entry.

At the time I started this blog, I was at the lowest (at least I pray it is indeed the lowest) point in my marriage of 2 years. I needed somewhere to vent and just put my thots somewhat anonymously. I am happier today Thank God and just wanted to share something I have come to realize which I wrote in the form of a reply to a comment to another reader....

You know XBloggerX, I was just going through my old posts and realised how discouraged I was feeling at the time I started this blog. I am happy to say now I have realized one of the roads to stay sane is to stick to your guns. "what you wont take tomorrow, don't start taking today". I think basically in-laws are bullies and once you call their bluff (which can indeed be hell initially) they do back off and go and look for the next victim.

I have at least for me realized that when their focus has moved away from you and your husband you can at least focus on yourselves and be happier. Amen!


Refinedone said...

Good for you! I think you should checkout
he has a post 7#myths of Marriage.

all the best and stay strong!

Anonymous said...

I hate that comment about in-laws being bullies. You will get there someday and taste a bit of your pill.
This is how women put themselves in problems, granted that some in-laws can be evil. Life generally isn't fair but don't we all manage the challenges? If we don't kill our backstabbing colleagues and evil bosses why do we want to kill families.
Have a change of heart woman before you heap hot coal on yourself.

Anonymous said...

Tell to me, please - where to me to learn more about it?

Anonymous said...

I think, that you are not right. I am assured. I can defend the position. Write to me in PM.